
Thursday, April 19, 2012

for Chris

The other night I got to talk to Chris. He was a little down and it broke my heart that I could not do anything to help.

I stopped.

I listened to him tell me how he was feeling.
It made me truly cherish Chris and everything about him.

Chris can play music by ear. meaning if he hears a song on the radio he can come home and play it almost perfectly on the guitar. Its incredible.

Honestly it has been forever since I just stopped, slowed down and noticed him. Noticed his gifts.

As he was playing the guitar at his Mom's one night, I started praying "Lord let me delight in him.... please let me never take for granted all of his gifts that you have blessed him with. He is so talented. Let that take my breath away for years to come."

It's easy after a while to stop noticing.
Life gets busy, kids fill your time.
But I don't want to stop.

I want to really see him.

I want to see his beautiful smile.
I want to see his almond shaped beautiful blue eyes.
I want to see his gifts in music.
I want to see him loving our babies.

I want him to notice me.

I want to be his everything and take his breath away.

Before I got with Chris, I thought once you finally had your soulmate all your insecurities went away. Mine didn't. I was insecure before finding Chris and I am insecure now. Constantly battling "am I enough?"

But you know what.

Chris is enough. He is MORE than enough- he is everything I could hope for....he should always feel that from me.

Chris, this ones for you today- I love you. You make me so happy.