
Friday, June 22, 2012

baby showers, weddings, and vegas OH MY!

Hello blog world! Where to start? Well, you know Chris is home :) and that he proposed. I got my new Kindle finally :) We spent Father's day in Vegas with my dad! That was the first time in YEARS that we were able to do that! As of right now, we are in Reno, NV preparing for his sister's baby shower tomorrow. I am so excited!!! I love baby showers :) and I can not wait until Teeghan is here. I am secretly hoping she comes while we are here ;) Who doesn't love new born babies.

 me and Pres right before we got into Vegas
Bubba and my daddy at Father's day breakfast
 me and Chris at his homecoming <3
My new Kindle :)

Sunday we are going shooting. We are bringing the littles with us. I am excited to see how they act. We bought them special ear muffs for the sound. I would LOVE for the kids to learn to shoot. We are definitely going to be teaching them the safety precautions though.

June 30th is our wedding! I can not wait. We have done a lot but I feel like we have so much left to do! We need to get the flowers, map out the park area, work on hair styles, get Chris his tie, get Presleigh her shoes, work on the aisle, get a final head count for dinner, get our marriage certificate, etc. Thankfully we already have the rings, my dress, the kids outfits, the hotel room, my dad and mom are all booked in a hotel, the cake ordered, the officiator is picked, the park area is picked (just not mapped out), and a few other things that are escaping my mind right now LOL Weddings, even small ones, can be way more stressful and time consuming than I thought. I really can't wait though. One, because I am actually getting a wedding (even if it is small, its perfect!) and two, because I am marrying my best friend. Oh, and can't forget, my daddy is gonna be there this time to walk me down the aisle. Good times await!

 Bubba at a ride in the mall
 Cousins :)

After the wedding, we are headed to Vegas for about a week and some odd days. We have LOTS planned. The mob tour, dancing, drinking, the wax museum, bodies exhibit, a show or two, swimming, and ALONE TIME! It should be a blast.

I really am thankful for everything in my life. Sure, we have had a few patches of bad luck (like Chris breaking the BRAND NEW phone we just bought him, and having to pay 199 to get a replacement *yes that is the deductible because it is the new HTC One X* or getting pulled over on the way up here) but overall, nothing but good things.

That is all the time I have for until next time blog world, I bid you adieu.

PS. here is a pic of a dish COVERED in cheese..for my friend Anna who is going through a hard time right now. It's inside joke but I hope it makes her smile :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

life and all it's changes!

It has been a minute since I have had the time to sit down and blog. I will blame it on all of life's changes! It has only been two weeks but SO much has happened. The first being Chris coming home :) What a loooong process but it was so worth it. 
Not only did he finally come home May 31st, he proposed! He did it in the most romantic way possible too (well in my opinion but I could just be biased ;) ) Shortly after the picture above (yes I ran and jumped into his arms almost knocking him over HA) he got down on one knee in front of everyone and said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Hearing "Will you marry me Brittany?" was the most emotional moment I have ever experienced, aside from giving birth. I had always heard about those moments where your heart stops, your eyes tear up, and everything else around you disappears but I had never had one. He gave me that. 

The kids have taken to him amazingly. I was a bit worried because it was a BIG change. It had been me and them for over a year so to add another was scary. He is absolutely 110% one of the best daddies I have ever seen. He is patient, loving, kind, and when he needs to be a little tough. He is the total package. I couldn't ask for anyone better.

 I was also worried about things changing with him and I. Moving in with someone is a BIG step. We had over 8 months to get to know each other on one of the most intimate levels possible, but not the most physical. I was worried for nothing of course ;) Him and I are so much alike, but we are also so different. We compliment each other in ways I never thought possible. I love that he is romantic, cuddly, and completely in tune with my moods. If I am just not feeling good (thank you Fibro!), he helps. No complaints. I am so not used to that. He is a morning person..which I hate to admit, I LOVE. I am not a morning person. Wake me up at noon and we are good, but having him here..waking up early and making awesome. Sure, we have had a few "oh my goodness, you are irritating me beyond words right now" moments, but who doesn't? It shows us we are real. I can't say enough good things about this man!
 He made breakfast..and it was delish ;)
 Date night
 this is us.
So, things are going better than I ever imagined. We are headed to Reno on Friday. We will be getting married June 30th, 2012 in Reno with all of his family present..and with my daddy walking me down the aisle while my mom sits on my side supporting me! One of my best friends, Tori, is going to be my Maid of Honor. I feel like the most lucky girl in the world right now. 

Until next time, I bid you adieu. 