
Sunday, May 27, 2012


With the fast approaching homecoming of Chris, I decided it is time for a change. First to go, old blog posts and name. I know that a lot of the posts when I was going through my divorce helped a lot of you but I just started to feel like there was too much negative and not enough positive on my blog. I have so much to be thankful for now that I don't want it getting tangled up with the past. So, new layout;new name;no old posts.

Now on to some other business. My P.I.C. Anna is doing a giveaway on her blog. She works for this amazing company called Thirty-One gifts. Some of you may be aware of it, others may not. She has chosen to give away the picnic thermal tote. I own one and I LOVE it! I use it when we go on road trips, to the park, to the lake, to theme parks, etc. It comes in a couple different patterns so you can make it fit your style. All you have to do is become a follower of her blog here :)

Today I picked up the rest of Chris' things from his dad. I can not tell you how amazing it feels to have his stuff here. It makes our place finally feel like home. I had always felt like something was missing without quite knowing what. Now that his things are here, it feels complete :) As most of you know, he will be home within a few days *please insert happy dance*. It has been a long awaited reunion on our part. I have missed him terribly. We all need him home, but I REALLY need him home.

School is quickly coming to an end. When I started, I had no clue how hard it would be to do 3 classes that normally take 16 weeks, in 8 weeks. Between the kids, sitters being in short supply, errands, bills, randomly working, planning a vacation, moving, unpacking, decorating, getting the kids ready for school in the fall, a baby shower, etc...I got a little off track with it. I feel bad because school should always been a main focus for me but I just didn't feel like it was a priority at this point in my life. I think I started it a bit prematurely. I would have been better off waiting until the fall semester but I let my pride get the better of me. I kept telling myself "Of course you can do school..and 3 classes at that. If you don't, who are you and what makes you so special?" I am my own worst enemy.

My posts may be few and far between for the next week or so because of Chris coming home, so please bear with me! I will update with pictures ASAP of course. I mean, I have to show off my man right ;) I just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has been there for me through everything. Life has definitely taken me on a path that was least expected, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Until next time blog world, I bid you adieu <3

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