
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just a little grumpy..

I know I said I was going to keep this more positive but today...I am just a little grumpy. It seems as if every time I start to pick things up and walk forward, something is there to stop me (I will go into that in a minute).

Another contributing factor to the grumpiness? They pushed Chris' flight back AGAIN. This would make it the sixth change and more than 24hours later from his original time and date. Now, I expected delays and I am thankful he is coming home...but gosh darnit how much longer are they going to keep us waiting to finally see our soldiers? The Army's motto is still true: hurry up and wait! So, that is what I am doing. Waiting as patiently as possible without snapping at everyone who decides to text me asking when he is coming home. They are just as excited as me so I am trying ever so diligently to make sure I keep it short and to the point when asked. Please don't take offense to this. I have just been waiting and waiting and waiting to FINALLY have my family whole again just for it to keep getting put off because of BS that doesn't even make sense. I promise it's not you.

**Update since I wrote this: Chris is ON TIME now. Hopefully it stays that way because I need some kisses ;)**

As for what I mentioned earlier...I swear every time I take a step forward when it comes to mine and my ex's relationship (relationship is a bit of an extreme term for it..maybe our civility?) he throws something in the road so we come to a full stop. No, I don't want to be your friend on Facebook to start want to see pictures of the kids and that is the only way you will for now because quite honestly, I am done going out of MY way to make YOU happy when you don't appreciate it. I am not going to make a disc of pictures and send them to you because you think you are entitled to that. That costs money and takes time. I take a lot of you know how many discs and hours that would take? I am not your wife anymore and that is not my responsibility. My bad for asking for the pics of me pregnant with Presleigh and Braedyn from your hard drive. I didn't know that would give you reason to fight with me. For whatever reason he seems to think my world still revolves around him when it does not. In fact, unless he is messaging me, I don't even think of him. Maybe that is what frustrates me most. I have done everything he has asked, I try and I try and I try to be nice to him, and all he does is make it about him. I am slowly getting to the point that I can just laugh at him and say "well that sucks for you" but darnit..grow up and quit already! Yes, I had my moments way long ago when stuff first started going on but now? Now it is old and you are dragging it out and making it something it doesn't need to be. Cheese and rice!!!! I can honestly say I am looking forward to the day that my ex and I can be civil for longer than a day (well, we can at times for more than a week or so but you catch my drift). 

Speaking of the kids..they are growing up so quickly. They both have such little personalities on them. They are both such sensitive souls. I think they get that from me. Pres especially. She gets her feelings hurt easily and isn't afraid to cry. Lately, when Brae goes to bed, Pres has been staying up to have "girly girl time" with me. She quietly walks out of her room with her make up and sits ever so princess-like as I do homework. She says this is because "us girly girls need to be alone sometimes". She is becoming a little lady. I don't know what I am going to do when she starts Kindergarten this fall. Braedyn loooves to spend time with me. At bed time, his new thing is "Mommy, tickle me!". That is how I know he is craving extra lovins. Between his giggles, "tickle me's" and "o yous!".I couldn't love this little boy any more if I tried.

Well, I just thought I would write out a quick blog because I was REALLY grumpy and I hate being grumpy. When I notice I am grumpy, it makes me grumpier. It's a vicious cycle. So until next time, I bid you adieu blog world <3


1 comment:

  1. it took 7 years for me and donald to be civil, but now we're actually great friends, so you can get there - it just takes time. in the meantime, don't let him get to you because he knows he does and he feeds off of it. don't give him the satisfaction.
